Why is game based learning and simulation a good-fit for nursing education?

“Serious games are designed to achieve an intentional purpose of learning, behavioral changes in fields like healthcare where the aim is to map back learning or training objectives.”

Lately, gamification has been introduced into healthcare as it is one of the safest ways to encourage desired behavior using game mechanics.

Gamification in healthcare

                                                                          Source: https://1712507217.rsc.cdn77.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/gamification-in-healthcare.jpg

Why Games?

Gamification has several advantages that can benefit healthcare.

  • Improves retention: Games might help in better retention of knowledge as multiple senses are involved. In a study conducted by Magennis & Farrell in 2005, it was reported that retention rate was better in students who learnt by doing (75%) as compared to students who attended lectures (5%). Another study by Joyce in 2005, revealed that retention rate was maximum among learners who learnt by simultaneously seeing, hearing and doing (90%), followed by those learners who learnt by doing (80%), learners who learnt by seeing (40%) and lastly learners who learnt by hearing (20%).
  • Bridge gap between theory and practice- In nursing it is often a concern to bridge the gap between theory and practice in certain concepts where it is difficult to understand if the seriousness of the situation is not highlighted. Games can encourage the learner to understand the importance of the specific action they might take and how it can affect the patient. Here is an example of a serious game called virtual pain manager which teaches nursing students the relevance of pain management. Read more here: http://vpm.glam.ac.uk/


                                                                                                   Source: https://helsinkismart.fi/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/CareMe_1-1.jpg

  • Critical thinking skills- It becomes challenging in skill based profession such as nursing to encourage the students and professionals to critically think in every possible context. Games can help the nursing professionals to apply the acquired knowledge in different clinical situations. There are games that encourage nurses to practice assessment, prevention and treatment of patient health conditions related to patient skin integrity and pressure ulcers. Huang LY in 2017, reported that students significantly improved their critical thinking skills and dispositions through the gamified platform with the experimental instruction in a blended learning environment.
  • Simulate difficult real life situations- Games can not only mimic real life situation but they can be used to simulate real life situations which are difficult to create practice skills and can be even repeated if the user wants to practice for example fire safety, infection hazards etc. Pront L in 2018, concluded that the games had potential benefits of decision-making, motivation, repeated exposure, logistical and financial value.

Bodhi’s Approach to Gamification

  • User centric design- Keeping the user at the core of game design process is a philosophy we follow at Bodhi. For the game to see successful adoption, it is utmost important that we know the target users well. This includes having deep knowledge about their demographic, social and cultural behavioral traits. Addressing questions like the type of context, how to implement the game for the first time and how to continue the game in future, early on can bring great clarity to the actual development process.
  • Real life simulations to enhance critical thinking- Real-life patient cases can be gamified which helps in testing ‘application of knowledge’ and ‘problem solving’ rather than passive learning.
  • Adaptive data driven learning- The key advantage learning technologies bring to the table is the fact that the learning outcomes can be measured to great amount of granular details. Crucial learner data such as time spent on the modules, scores obtained, past performances can reveal insights to strong and weak clinical areas requiring improvements thus helping personalize the learning outcome for every learner.

Flow diagram

Figure 1: Date centric design philosophy for iterative training implementation

Case Study- Project ASMAN

Project ASMAN is an initiative aimed at reducing infant, neonatal and maternal mortality in India. It focuses on identification of critical conditions of mother during pregnancy and child birth (intrapartum and postpartum period) which emphasizes on user skills of identifying complication, knowing expected line of investigations, making correct diagnosis in critical situations and managing the patients.

What are some of the key characteristics, elements and features of effective games?

Let me explain this with the help of a case study of Bodhi’s ASMAN game.

Problem Solving- Scenarios in the game allows the learner to perform variety of actions such as conducting investigation on patient, which helps them to understand the problem and warrants them to take action. For example as shown in the image the scenario describes a case where the data about the woman is supplemented. The user will initiate an action such as choosing the right investigation or making a diagnosis which will test the problem solving skills of the user and encourage him/her to think and act rationally.

Problem solving

Empowerment- Game provides an opportunity for the learner to feel empowered as it allows the user to choose options that will signify whether the patient condition will improve or deteriorate. As shown in the example here that the user can choose from list of investigations what to do. But not all the actions are warranted rather may waste the precious time when saving a patient. Choosing the right step in patient care can give a feeling of achievement as the user becomes confident about how to treat a patient in simulated real life scenario.


Thrill- The game gives a feeling of thrill as there is an urgency of action that needs to be taken within a limited time frame. As shown in the image with every passing minute the mother’s condition is deteriorating signified by the colour change in image of the woman indicating that her condition is deteriorating. User needs to make a quick decision to save the life. It gives a sense of rush and breaks the monotony.


Feedback- In the game the user chooses options and receives immediate feedback. A doctor appears and comments positively or negatively as per the choice made by the user explaining rationale behind the choice made. Additionally the user gets points for choosing the right option.


Context- The user in this game gets to learn about various conditions related to complications a pregnant woman might encounter and scenarios are specifically built around 29 such conditions that a woman might face during intrapartum and postpartum period.


On-boarding- The ASMAN game is easy to understand as the learner moves ahead in the game. Whether it is entering the game, choosing the scenarios or the level they can access, it is indicated in a simplified manner. The learner is also guided which action is to be taken first for example as shown here the learner is first prompted to read the case before proceeding to choose the investigation and then further making a diagnosis followed by management of the patient. Game allows the new users to move steadily in the game.

Data analytics- The game provides option to capture key usage data like scores, time spent by the user on the app, number of trials in the web based dashboard to monitor compliance. The data captured provides opportunity to understand the strong and weak areas of the users that might need improvement. Based on the data captured there is a possibility to:

  • Recommend learning path for every user
  • Identify the high performing candidates and candidates who are about to dropout
  • Generate actionable insights on clinical skills that need improvement

Partners- Project ASMAN

  • The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • MSD for mothers
  • United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
  • Tata Trusts
  • Reliance Foundation

ASMAN Impact:

So far, 714 nurses across 8 districts in the Indian states of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh have registered on the app. Over the next 6-9 months the game app is expected to impact 2500-3000 nurses in these 2 states.

Impact of ASMAN


1. Bauman EB. Theoretical and Practical Considerations for Serious Games Development. 2019 Sept 3. Slideshare. Available from: https://www.slideshare.net/ebauman/theoretical-and-practical-considerations-for-serious-games-development?fbclid=IwAR1KfwA6dCIbjQO2j-3aL9_CUDjjrmLgAxsJdifoAhrfjyGt9ietaehc05E

2. Huang LY, Yeh YC. Meaningful Gamification for Journalism Students to Enhance Their Critical Thinking Skills. International Journal of Game-Based Learning. 2017 April. 7(2):47-62. DOI: 10.4018/IJGBL.2017040104

3. Pront L, Müller A, Koschade A, Hutton A. Gaming in Nursing Education: A Literature Review. Nurs Educ Perspect. 2018 Jan/Feb;39(1):23-28. doi:10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000251.

4. Bigdeli S, Kaufman D. Digital games in health professions education: Advantages, disadvantages, and game engagement factors. Med J Islam Repub Iran. 2017: 31; 117. doi:10.14196/mjiri.31.117

Augmented and Virtual Reality in the field of Nursing Education


One of the most exciting developments in virtual reality has been its rapid entry into medical education and healthcare. Researchers, doctors, and nurse educators are discovering innovative ways to leverage immersive technologies and transform both healthcare teaching and practice.

Financial as well as regulatory restrictions has burdened the nursing education, as a result of which, providing adequate training has become a challenging task for the nursing educators. Not only the patients, but the practitioners and the devices used are at a risk of harm and malfunction if the quality of training is not up to the mark.

Simulation-based training has been used and shown to be an effective tool in the fields other than medicine as the virtual reality provides a range of learning and training enhancing aspects.

The Problem

Various problems challenge the expected level of skill proficiency of nursing students who practice clinical skills with patient manikin simulators, and inside simulated learning environments labs. These challenges include, but are not limited to,

  • limited availability of nurse faculty to provide instruction and repetitive practice needed for nursing student’s opportunities to practice outside nursing laboratories regular hours of operations.
  • The capability of nurse faculty to address individual learning needs of nursing students during each practice session
  • Instructional and evaluation variability among nurse faculty.

VR Technology can address all the above mentioned challenges and enhance the ability of faculty to sometimes quantifiably evaluate, student-learning performance. Augmented Reality (AR) and simulation are technology interventions modalities that can be integrated into nursing curriculum to help nursing student achieve and improve clinical skill proficiency.

Advantages of AR /VR application for Nursing Education

There are many advantages to using virtual reality in nurse training. Nurses can build familiarity with technology in a controlled environment, and learn by “doing,” rather than “seeing.”

  • Simulation helps develop competences for professional practice. Students who have the opportunity to develop clinical practices in a simulated environment report an increase in confidence, as they were able to transfer significantly the knowledge learned in the classroom to the simulated environment. Studies have reported improvements in the areas of critical thinking, confidence and/or knowledge/skills after participating in the simulation.
  • Simulation provides a rich learning opportunity for students to integrate theory with practice while making real-time clinical decisions in an environment that poses no risk to patients. HFS is one such example that provides students with a safe environment to learn and make mistakes without compromising patient safety.
  • Simulation can standardize clinical experiences in an environment with often unequal clinical learning opportunities. The use of High-Fidelity Simulation (HFS) in health care education has emerged as a possible solution to address limited clinical experiences.. Research studies have shown HFS to be beneficial in acquiring new knowledge in many clinical areas, including Medical-surgical, advanced cardiac life support, and acute myocardial infarction treatment.
  • Human patient simulation-based clinical nursing education has the potential to promote transformative learning and lead to a metamorphosis of students’ preconceived meaning schemes. It allows students to engage in social interactions and enhance their psychomotor skills in a patient safe environment, which helps most students relax and increases their confidence in performing clinical skills during a simulated clinical experience.

Current Implementation of AR/VR in nursing and medical education

1. The 2019 International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) Conference was held in Phoenix Arizona with the Hayden Vanguard Lectureship by Bradley Chesham.

The INACSL meeting is a leading forum for nursing simulation aficionados, researchers, and vendors providing the ideal environment to gain and disseminate current, state-of-the-art knowledge in the areas of skills/simulation operations and applications in an evidenced-based venue.

The Hayden Vanguard Lectureship recognizes innovation in Nursing Simulation. Bundle of Rays focuses on “clinical skills and health-based training” utilizing virtual reality to teach anatomy and physiology, combined with simulation technology to link imaging to patient assessment. Designed by nurses, these training programs focus on patient safety, quality assessment skills and escalation of clinical deterioration. All of this is done in small class sizes at dynamic venues, conceptualizing the future of healthcare education.

Showcasing Augmented Reality (AR) in real-time, Brad shared how he could pick up a digital beating heart on his desk, bringing digital animation into a real background. Combining these technologies allows educators to have multi-user sessions across mediums to teach countless learners at the same time, even if they are located at different locations around the world. Brad shared that through his startup Bundle of Rays, to provide education for multiple learners at the same time even though they are spread across a wide geographic region.

2. Another excellent example of implementation of VR in Nursing education is A VR game that allows nursing students to practice urinary catheter insertion — what Kardong-Edgren (Suzan Kardong-Edgren, a professor at the School of Nursing and Health Science at Robert Morris University in Pennsylvania) called “a perfect marriage of nursing skills and software development”. Nursing students wearing Oculus Rift headgear and interactive gloves, called haptics, practice cleaning their hands and inserting a catheter into a patient’s bladder. In a study published in the March 2018 issue of Clinical Simulation in Nursing, Ellertson, Kardong-Edgren and Ann Butt of College of Nursing at University of Utah, report that the VR-trained students had the same pass rate as students who practiced the traditional way, on manikins, and that the VR students said they enjoyed the learning experience more.

virtual reality game

        A nursing student practicing catheterization procedures with a VR game developed by Boise State University and Robert Morris University. (Photo: Boise State University)

Catheterization was a good candidate for VR training, because it is a procedure that is difficult to learn and dangerous to patients if done incorrectly

Normally, nursing students have to practice urinary catheterization 30 to 50 times before they can do it on human beings. Many universities, however, don’t have enough medical simulation facilities and students are often not interested in repeating the same procedure over and over, Ellertson said.

“The underlying goal of the training is going to remain the same, but the shift is that we want students to practice more,” said Ellertson, who led a team of eight software developers to design, test, and then improve the VR game.

Kardong-Edgren and her team of researchers tested 20 nursing school students, who had practiced urinary catheterization on manikins. Lab assistants taught the students how to synchronize and calibrate the VR gear to their own movements, and then asked the students to perform the procedure. After an initial 15-minute orientation, students were instructed to use as little or as much of the remaining hour allotted to practice catheter insertion.

In the virtual world, the student goes from one corner of the room to another to find a tray where the sterile package lies. Then they need to wash their hands, don clean gloves, pick up the catheter package, and bring it to the patient. After cleaning the patient’s bottom, they need to correctly open the package, and insert the sterile catheter. To emphasize the importance of proper sterile technique, a green cloud of small falling particles appears on the screen if students did not wear their gloves properly.

The possibilities for using virtual reality in nursing are endless.

virtual reality result

Medical professionals will be monitoring the student’s practice on computers, where they can see the student’s vision on the left and real-time video of them on the right. (Photo: Boise State University)

Two weeks later, the students who underwent VR training for that hour did the same procedure on manikins. Professors compared their performance with that of nursing students who had only worked with manikins. Results showed that the VR-trained students not only had the same pass rate as the manikin-only group, but they also rated the VR training experience as “fun, engaging,” and they noted that it made them “lose track of time.”

A Novel Multiplayer Screen-Based Simulation Experience for African Learners Improved Confidence in Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage.


Postpartum hemorrhage affects approximately thirteen million women every year and remains a leading cause of maternal mortality in Asia and Africa. Mannequin-based simulation is the most common way for practicing care of critical patients but has its challenges when it comes to global health in developing countries.
A novel multiplayer screen-based simulation is developed in virtual world to practice team coordination with PPH cases. It was hypothesized that such a screen-based simulation may enhance the learner’s confidence and ability to manage critical PPH cases. The same was implemented in Mulago, Uganda.

3D virtual reality game

Screen-shot of 3DiTeams—postpartum hemorrhage—multiplayer screen-based simulation. Each character is controlled by a unique individual using a computer, mouse, and voice-over-IP headset.


  • Study Design : pre- and a post-intervention survey.
  • Sample size : 48 interprofessional subjects
  • One of 9, 1 Hour simulation sessions in PPH software
  • The subjects were tested on 15 self-assessment question, before and after the intervention. And was designed to probe the areas of learning as defined by Bloom and Krathwohl: affective, cognitive, and psychomotor.


The confidence scores in each category of Bloom’s Taxonomy : affective, cognitive and psychomotor as well as combined score of all three increased significantly following the simulation experience.


The study provides a preliminary evidence that multiplayer screen-based simulation represents a scalable, distributable form of learning. The same can be used effectively in global health education and training.

Award Winning AR Training and Simulation

Virtual Reality Airway Learning Lab, a program that uses cutting edge virtual reality technology in clinical education.

It was honored to win the Best in Show award at the annual International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare in 2018 in partnership with Adtalem Global Education (NYSE: ATGE), a leading global education provider. (Dr Eric B Bauman and Dr Nick Slamon)

Acadicus simplifies and democratizes the educational learning curve associated with VR training, allowing for cost effective scenario creation by faculty and instructional staff. Stakeholders are able to create authentic environments that may not otherwise be available to students… this helps solve the bricks-and-mortar, time-and-place challenges associated with traditional simulation laboratories.

The 3D recording feature within the Acadicus environment is a powerful way for faculty and staff to create and capture their own instructional content. The multi-user feature allows for remote learners to collaborate in real-time in authentic spaces that promote environmental fidelity in ways that encourage the suspension of disbelief and promote psychological fidelity.

Applied as part of a layered learning approach, Acadicus promotes learner engagement and creates sticky learning experiences that often rival or exceed real-life learning experiences, effectively driving learners toward curriculum objectives and outcomes.”

Introduction to various airway instruments and how they’re used. Overview of steps and technique in airway management


1. Shinnick MA, Woo M, Horwich TB, Steadman R. Debriefing: The most important component in simulation? Clinical Simulation in Nursing. 2011;7(3):105-11.

2. Jeffries PR. Getting in S.T.E.P. with simulations: Simulations take educator preparation. Nurs Educ Perspect. 2008;29(2):70-3.

3. Alinier G, Hunt B, Gordon R, Harwood C. Effectiveness of intermediatefidelity simulation training technology in undergraduate nursing education. J Adv Nurs. 2006;54(3):359-69.

4. Birch L, Jones N, Doyle PM, Green P, McLaughlin A, Champney C, et al. Obstetric skills drills: evaluation of teaching methods. Nurse Educ Today. 2007;27(8), 915-22.

5. Elfrink VL, Kirkpatrick B, Nininger J, Schubert C. Using learning outcomes to inform teaching practices in human patient simulation. Nurs Educ Perspect. 2010;31(2):97-100.

6. Hoadley TA. Learning advanced cardiac life support: a comparison study of the effects of low- and high-fidelity simulation. Nurs Educ Perspect. 2009;30(2):91-5.

7. National league for nursing. Society for Simulation in Healthcare 2014. A Vision for Teaching with Simulation A Living Document from the National League for Nursing NLN Board of Governors. 2015.

8. Birkhoff SD, Donner C. Enhancing pediatric clinical competency with high- fidelity simulation. J Contin Educ Nurs. 2010;41(9):418-23.

9. National League for Nursing. Main obstacle to expanding capacity by program type. 2014.

10. Brannan JD, White A, Bezanson JL. Simulator effects on cognitive skills and confidence levels. J Nurs Educ. 2008;47(11):495-500.

11. Parker B, Myrick F. Transformative learning as a context for human patient simulation. J Nurs Educ. 2010;49(6):326-32.

12. https://arvrjourney.com/nursing-students-are-learning-medical-techniques-with-vr-fd4c5a8d642d

13. https://www.healthysimulation.com/inacsl/

14. https://acadicus.com/
