What if Florence Nightingale would time travel to the present?

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Stories for the month of January’20
THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION has rightly designated 2020 as the “Year of the Nurse”, marking 200 years since the birth of Florence Nightingale.

So if Florence Nightingale would time travel to the present would she be impressed with the innovation and advancement in the Nursing profession?

Virus Alert!
There is a new virus introduced in the human world believed to be emerged from animals: the #coronavirus causing respiratory illness that can spread through human virus.
As with all other illnesses, prevention is better than cure so watch out for the simple steps and stay safe!
Finally, we love sharing the impact of our work through personal stories and here is another one

“Technology has always guided us. Learning via ASMAN app that we may not have known otherwise. Making the right decisions during complicated deliveries, through technology! Our greatest reward is safeguarding their lives” Malika Parveen, Staff Nurse CHC Sultanpur, Kota, Rajasthan

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